Meet halixia

Helping you live a better longer life

A platform of opportunities and actions tailored to you across: health, wealth, learning and community.

Find Out How

How it Works


1. Easy and friction-free onboarding

With minimal information and a secure registration process, we calculate your score across four key life pillars giving you a personalized starting point.

2. Small steps lead to big change

Our targeted platform focuses on where you are now and delivers the small steps you can take toward the life you want – micro actions that lead to macro change.


3. Staying motivated

Your personalized, gamified journey is enhanced by knowing what motivates you and how you envision your best life.

4. An angel’s help

We all need help at times. Our angel feature connects you with another, so you can stay on track toward achieving your goals.


About halixia

Our goal is simple – let’s give everyone access to a plan for living a better longer life


We’re on a mission to help all people live better longer lives

In a world that is largely unprepared for a rapidly ageing population, halixia offers a solution. By helping each person know and understand the small steps they can take toward living a better longer life, we can help them look to the future with excitement and confidence, instead of worry.

Our holistic approach to personalised life planning focuses on four life pillars – health, wealth, learning and community. By taking regular small steps (we call them microactions) toward improving and maintaining good health, ensuring financial stability and independence, continuing to learn and grow skills, and staying connected with others, we know that each of us can realize better and happier lives, for today and tomorrow.

Our Founding Story

Co-founders Mark Glover and JoAnne Moore met in 2020 as part of a World Economic Forum and Mercer-sponsored program on Redesigning Retirement for the 100-year Life. They quickly established a strong rapport based on their shared passion for ensuring broad and equitable access to the tools and resources that can help people live better longer lives.

With extensive careers at global institutions – Mark leading the development of wealth solution strategies and technology for millions of banking clients globally and JoAnne in thought leadership, marketing and public policy for multinational organizations – they’ve brought together their individual strengths and perspectives to build an organization and platform focused on helping all people live the lives they want and deserve.